1st Chiropractic Clinics

Appointments or Consultation: 07881735764

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    Pain bothering you?
    We can help.

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    Pain bothering you?
    We can help.

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    Pain bothering you?
    We can help.

    Book an appointment with us:

Chiropractor in Reading and Southampton

Chiropractor in Reading

Our Reading Chiropractic Clinic is conveniently located to serve Reading, Caversham, Earley, Woodley, Tilehurst, Twyford and Bracknell areas.

Chiropractor in Southampton

Our Southampton Chiropractic Clinic is conveniently located to serve Southampton areas.


We specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine.

If you are suffering from, Back Pain, Back Stiffness, Neck Pain, Neck Stiffness, frequent or persistent headaches: we can help in getting your health improved and your life back on tracks.